Wednesday, July 20, 2011's been a while....random thoughts

It's been a while since I've written on this lets see if I remember how to do it.

The NFL lockout looks like it's almost over, but lets look at it from the fan's point-of-view on this...

We've seen how the rich will get richer; the players will get more money and the owners will obviously get their money. What will the fans get? Same ticket prices, same over-priced jerseys, and same over-priced beer and food at the stadiums.


We had to put up with this stupid crap and hear how both sides complain about money. Why don't I just complain about money? Why can't they just cut back on something for us? Lower ticket prices? Lower the prices for food at a stadium? Hell, lower the price for the NFL network? I don't least do something!

The Pittsburgh Pirates are 1st place in the NL Central. Yup.

CM Punk has had a Stone Cold Steve Austin-like run lately in the WWE, which rocks. I feel like wrestling needed something like this. Wrestling hasn't really been relevant since wrestlers like The Rock and Austin were wrestling in the early 2000's, so Punk's latest rant has at least sparked some interest. Jim Rome from ESPN has even offered Punk to come on his show and discuss it.

How does wrestling build on this?

Push more talent. That's really all they can do. They have so much talent that doesn't even see TV time. Get more guys on the microphone and see what they can do and how the fans react. Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler are two that could really do well for the company, they just need a real chance to do it.

Ugh...Stabler is no longer on Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Sad. I guess they couldn't come to terms on a contract. What is this? the NFL? Just pay the man...he's freakin' Elliot Stabler. Rumor has it is that DAs Casey Novak and Alexandra Cabot<3 will be back...

The NBA screwed up. After a great season that had a ton of storylines and a great finals series, they completely drop the ball and let themselves get in a lockout! They had the chance to catch ground on the NFL and blew it. What makes matters worse is that a few of the sports' biggest stars are leaving for Europe. Dumb.

Maybe if all the stars go to Europe, LeBron can stay state side and win a championship.

Probably not though.

Ehh...not that great. I'll get the hang of it when I start writing more. After all, it's been a while since I've done this....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hangin' with my cousin, American Sports Bar and working out

A few days ago, I was finally able to break away from the evil grasp that Big-E and BK have on me and I went out with one of my cousins to a "festival' as they call it. It was pretty sick. They had live bands there and a ton of beer (first song I heard when I was there was a cover of Thunderstruck , so I knew it was gonna be good). I even saw a 10 year old kid smokin' a cig and drinkin' a Becks. Not that I'm judging, but he's probably more of a man than I am.

Anyway, it was a great experience. I met a few of Sabrina's (the cousin) friends and they were pretty cool. I was surprised because a couple of them spoke english and were really good at it! The cops are actually really weird here. The group I was with were all of legal age here and they kept asking us if we were drinking because they were gonna kick us out. However, 50 feet away from us there was that 10 year old drinking and smoking a cig and the cops didn't bother him at all.


Sabrina's friends came up with the idea of going to the "American Sports Bar" that was right around the corner, so naturally, I followed.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was a Buffalo Bills' flag (Authors side note: the Buffalo Bills rock!), a Michael Jordan poster and a picture of Magic Johnson doing his famous hook-shot (which also rocked because it was against the Boston Celtics).

One of Sabrina's friends said I had to drink a Corona with him because it was his favorite "American beer" (Author's opinion on beer: it's not American and I cringed because Budweiser was on the menu, but he didn't want it), so I agreed. I mean, he said he was buying, why wouldn't I?

So I finished that and we decided to leave. The place was legit. They had huge TVs and had posters of sports teams from every major sport.

Different story.

I worked out today. That was a trip in itself. I went with another cousin to the gym, which I didn't mind. If I don't do some sort of exercise, my heart will probably explode. When we first walked through the door, we weren't even in the gym. We had to go through some gate to let us in. When we tried to open the gate, it was locked. I had to crawl underneath the gate.

Awesome. I knew this was gonna be an experience.

I walked in and I looked around. I'm not even gonna joke around with this one, it literally looked like I was in an episode of Miami-Vice. The equipment was painted pink and there were two guys in there with a ton of gel in their hair (Jersey Shore in Germany?). I walked into the "locker room" and they had a fountain in it. Not a drinking fountain. A fountain. There were neon lights strapped to it and there was a ton of bubbles. I have no idea why that would be in a gym. But it was.

So I got started. I worked out my shoulders, while my cousin did...abs? I'm not really sure what he did. I think he just stared at me and judged me. Whatever. I did my workout and I was happy.

After all of that I went on the Rhine again. This time, I was on a boat. That was pretty cool. Pictures should be up some-what soonish. We went out to dinner after the boat ride. I'm not gonna lie, everyone was ridiculous. I was just drinkin' wine and having a good time with my family, something I'm not really used to.

But this was just sort of a mini-blog that Sabrina told me to put up. I'm sorry I don't have a crazy story to put up, but, I'm having a great time in Germany and I'm starting to learn a little bit of the language!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Rhine RIver

So today I visited the Rhine River with my family. Which was pretty cool. The Rhine, the longest river in Germany, has a lot of history to it.

We were on the eastern bank of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Germany, where the Loreley used to sit.

This is how the story goes...

Loreley used to be some chick who sat on a rock, wave her hair and sing. Her singing would distract seamen (haha see what I did there?) and thus crashing their boats into the riverbed. Apparently she was really hot and a wicked good singer. There are many different versions of the story, but this is the most popular one.

Anyway, it was pretty cool seeing something like that. All we really have where I'm from is Chittenango Creek and the Canal. Which, don't get me wrong, both of them rock. But, this was crazy. There were castles and just old-school looking houses along the River.

After gawking at the river, we went to dinner. We ended up at some little restaurant. Naturally, my uncle got some wine and we all drank it. The restaurant makes their own wine so that was pretty cool. When it was time to order, I told my mom I wanted a steak. I wanted to compare Germany's steak to the good ole' US of A's steak.

When it came down to it, I would give the win to America. But that's because I'm a little biased. I will say, though, that the french fries here are a hell of a lot better than in America. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that they bath the fries in salt. Now, I know what you're saying, "BK and McDonalds does that." Not like here. These fries are seriously the greatest thing since the wienerschnitzel. I might not even bring alcohol from Germany back to the states. I'm just gonna bring the Deutsche fries.

I've noticed that Germans love salt and raw meat. I have no idea why. It's just how it is. (Author's gross note: Next week, when we all get together again, some of the family is gonna eat just raw hamburger meat. Mmmm get it in ya)

Loreley waving her luscious locks...

Saturday, May 28, 2011


When Big E told me that I would be going to a graduation in Germany, I was thinking it would be like a college graduation or even a high school graduation.

I was wrong.

Apparently in Germany, if you're a junior in high school you graduate from some church thing. It's kind of like some communion thing in America. I don't know, I don't go to church so someone can fill me in on that one.

Anyway, I went to the graduation. The thing was ridiculous. They sang religious songs and did that type of thing. Now I'm not against people believing in a "higher calling" or anything, but this was over the edge. You had people dancing to this type of stuff. I definitely couldn't do it. The priest would change his clothes multiple times throughout the ceremony. At one point, the priest was wearing a rainbow scarf (isn't that type of stuff against the Bible?) The last song that they sang was said to be from America. I know I don't go to church or anything, but the song they sang was not from the United States. I'm positive of that. The song was stupid. There is no way something of that level of stupidity could come from America. Ellen after the "show" said she was really upset with the whole thing. She had to go through the same thing when she was in school here and said "It was completely different than what I had to do."

After the graduation, we went to one of my cousin's houses. At first I felt kind of awkward because everyone was just staring at me like I was a moron. Which was true. I was just standing there with my mother and listening to her talk in German.

Then all of a sudden, my uncle (who is a badass by the way) gave me a beer....

Four beers, nine glasses of wine, and one shot of Schnaps later....I was ready to go.

No one could understand a word that was coming from my mouth, not because I was drunk, but because I was only speaking American. My mom, bless her heart, tried to translate but it was no use. My 2nd cousin (not Ben), who is actually my age, can speak American so she got most of everything I was saying. Somehow, though, I was able to bond with the rest of the family. I got talking with Sabrina (the cousin that is my age) and I guess we're going to the bars on Wednesday, which I'm pumped about.

Overall, it was a decent day/night. I'm only going to see these people maybe 3 or 4 more times in my life so I might as well raise hell with them. I ended up doing another shot with two of my cousins and some older lady (My guess is that she was around 75 years old. I found out I have a billion cousins over here so I'm not even going to confuse you with their names).

I have a few pictures from the church and other things but I'm not gonna post them right now. I'm too tired to. So deal with it. I'll keep ya waiting another day or so.

Tomorrow I meet up with my brother and next week I go to a shit-ton of different places. I'll have a few pics of my cousins and places I've been.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

First full day of Germany is an interesting one

My first full day here in the land of Deutsch has been a different one; I had to go to a funeral for an uncle. Nevermind the fact that I've never met him, but I got to meet the rest of my "extended" family.

I learned today that my mother is the youngest of 11 children. I have eight German uncles and two German aunts. I already knew this, but, one of those uncles is still missing from World War II; he never came home after his troop left for Russia (I have another uncle who was in World War II and was a POW for six years, but he is related by marriage.) Coincidently, I have a German uncle named Adolf....

The funeral itself was different from an American one. For starters, the church where the funeral was held in was in a cemetery. The graveyards over here are beautiful (I know, weird). The graves don't just have a tombstone on it with the bodies' name along with the date of birth and death; the tombstones are a work of art. If I brought my camera, I would have taken pictures (but it's awkward to bring them to a funeral). The actual grave is outlined with stones so it is more personal, if you will, so the family can plant their flowers or whatever.

After the funeral, I met one of my cousins. Thankfully, she knows how to speak American. We talked for a little while at a little cafe where the "after party" was held. Now when you think of European cafes, you think of people sitting at a small table wearing funny hats and eating some sort of pastry on a small plate. Along with the pastry, you have a tiny cup of coffee that you set on an even smaller plate. The table has a checkered table cloth and on the table cloth you have a small vase with flowers in it.

That is exactly what they are over here.

Tina (the cousin who can speak American) and I were just chitt-chatten and were getting to know each other. Apparently she owns a shop that sells butcher knifes (weird right?). She was very helpful though. She would point out everyone and told me what relation they are to me. She also told me that I was the first child of Ellens' that she had met. I found that pretty interesting because she is around the same age as my brothers and sister. She also went off and told me how she hates how the family doesn't stay in contact with each other, unless it's a funeral. I agree. I had no idea about that whole side of the family, I would love to know more. It's just tough because they are pretty much all older than me and I don't know how to speak German and they don't know how to speak American.

After a while, I could tell that the rest of the family was just staring at me and asking each other, "Who the hell is that American ?" Tina told me that they were all family and I shouldn't be afraid. Right after she told me that, she broke the news that she was leaving.

Great. Now who the hell was I going to talk to?

So there I was, with no one. My mom was off speaking Deutsch and I had no idea what was going on. When I came back to the cafe after grabbing my jacket from Tina's car, I found Big-E talking to the same people that were staring at me. They, for some reason, were impressed with me because I graduated from an American college (I just wish they could of seen where I graduated; it might of changed their minds). They also asked if I was in the military. Hell no. Does it look like I'm in the military?

Germany is rather different then America. On the way home from the cafe, I noticed that a lot of Germans drive either BMW's, Mercedes, or Audis. All three of those are made here in Germany, not a lot of foreign cars are driven around here. I did, thankfully, see a Chevy being driven. I also saw a Ford broken down on the side of the road (big surprise). The fact that Germans only drive those three types of vehicles though speaks about the national pride. Something that America doesn't really have right now. Granted, Detroit is finally starting to make cars again so maybe that will change things.

The scenery in German is beautiful. There are giant business buildings and then tiny shops are mixed in between. So far in my travels, I've noticed that the sidewalks are kept up well; none of them are cracking or are in terrible shape. Everyone is either walking or riding a bicycle. This is something I like. You can really tell the shape of a city by looking at their sidewalks. You don't really have that in America. Everyone is driving and all of the sidewalks are in terrible shape (well, atleast in Utica).

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go shopping in the town I'm in. I'm in Dotzheim, where ever the hell that is. I can't wait to check out the cigar shops that are in town, I should get some good-quality ones. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

FINALLY...I have come back...

Its been 18 years since I've stepped foot in the mother-land that they call Germany and let me tell you, it is pretty crazy over here

But before I get into that, let me tell you how this whole thing started out...

I had to be at the Hancock airport in Syracuse at 9 in the morning, so naturally I stayed up till 2 in the morning and woke up at 6. When I got there, it was pretty relaxed. Literally NO ONE was in the airport. I felt like I was in some Zombie movie and my mother and I were the only survivors. Just when I thought there was no hope for the human race, Casey Maloney comes prancing through the airport. Turns out, she had to catch the red-eye flight back from California. #Random. So we chit-chatted it up for a few moments. We said our good-byes and then I went back to sitting with my mom in the most boring airport of all-time.

FINALLY....our plane arrived and we were off to Detroit (I know, it's the complete opposite way of Germany)

The flight goes fine. It only took like two hours at the most.

Get into the HUGE Detroit airport. The gate we landed in is on the complete other side of where we need to be to catch our next flight. So Big-E and I start our march towards Germany. Some chick told us that our gate number is 66 (I know guys, so close) and we're gonna have to go under some tunnel to get there. Now when I think of a tunnel, I think of a dark, creepy and scary area that I have to be worried about finding Freddy Krueger in. Not this one. This freaking tunnel was lit up with ridiculous-ass colors. Like bright colors. It was like a Ke$ha concert, Katy Perry concert and an acid trip that Jim Morrison would of had all mixed into one. So after walking almost two miles, we get to our gate. I bust out my laptop and I'm finally going to be able to update my status and Twitter.


In the Detroit airport, apparently, I have to pay $5 to use the internet for a half an hour.

What the hell is up with that?

So instead, I just go to Borders and buy a book (Yes, I do know how to read. Kinda). I bought Chris Jericho's new book called "Undisputed." Fantastic book. I'm about half-way through it and I highly recommend it.

But anyway, our flight is about to board. So Ellen and I line up. We're finally ready to fly to Germany. While I'm standing in line, though, I start to get a weird feeling. The feeling of someone is watching me. Sure enough, someone is. Actually, a few people are. The airport security thought I was suspicious-enough and they told me that they had to check my bags. I was the only one they called over. Now I know I'm a pretty weird guy, but let me lay this one down on ya. There was this one dude who literally looked like he hasn't seen the sun since Vietnam. This guy had long grayish hair and an even longer beard. He had a small track bag as his luggage and was wearing camouflaged shorts with a wife beater. So naturally they chose me.


So we get on the plane. I have Ellen sitting on one side of me and some weird kid with his mother sitting on the other side. A Butterbean look-a-like was sitting in the aisle next to us (If you don't know who Butterbean is, look him up and picture my mom sitting next to him. You'll laugh). I didn't think the flight would be that bad. We had our own personal televisions and I had my new book, so I was all set. I turn the TV on and all I had to chose between was Big Momma's House 3 or some indy crap movies. I could watch sitcoms too. The only one that sparked my interest was NCIS (Terrible show. L & O SVU blows it out of the water) I had to deal with that for 7 and a half hours.

7 and a half hours.

I look around and see if there is ANYONE cool on this plane. I found some old guy sittin' next to his wife, rocking an AMERICAN flag hat. That guy rocked.

Somehow I survived the flight and when we were about to land, I looked at the TV next to me and saw what the weirdo mom, who was sleeping on me at this point, was watching. She was watching some Nazi-based indy film. Awesome. All I saw were a bunch of Nazis marching down the street and doing their salute. We're flying into Germany and you're watching some Nazi flick? She clearly has her shit together.

We get out of the plane and I step foot into the airport. Now, to put this into perspective. There were at least 200 hundred passengers on the plane. The hallway that we had to walk through to get to baggage claim was seriously the width of a regular closet door.

How in the blue hell were you supposed to get that many people through one little doorway-like hallway? It wasn't going to happen. It was terrible. We were moving soooo slow.

We finally get out of the airport and I was on my way to the house that we're staying at. I'm looking around and Germany is ridiculous. The buildings are so small and narrow (kinda like that hallway) and the roads are even worse. The roads are all twisty-turny like and the Germans don't give a damn on how fast they go. It was scary as hell. I almost saw two busses get into a head on collision. #funfact.

Another thing that is ridiculous is the fact that there are so many Smartcars over here. From the airport to the house, I counted 10 Smartcars. You know what I didn't count any of?



I did find it awkward, though, that Taylor Swift was blaring from people's cars over here. I don't know. Everyone loves her.

So this is where I leave you. I'm jet-lagged like a son-of-a-bitch and there are probably a ton of errors in this blog. You know what? I don't care. I've been up for atleast 24 hours straight, I've gone through 4 or 5 different time zones, I was treated as though I was a suspicious character and then I had to protect my mother from some Butterbean look-a-like.

I'm a little tired.

Know your role and shut your mouth. I'm sleeping for now.

So goodnight....or goodmorning?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Review of the Buffalo Bills draft

Even though the Buffalo Bills haven't stepped onto the football field yet, a lot of draft experts have claimed that the Bills are one of the "draft winners" from last week's draft. While the Bills had a lot of holes on their team, one who actually follows the team realizes the biggest need for the Bills was on the defensive side of the ball. Seven of the Bills' nine draft picks were defensive players.

Round 1 (3)- Marcell Dareus, DT

Even though I had him going to the Broncos with the second pick in my mock draft and Von Miller going to Buffalo, I'm happy the Bills made Dareus their pick. He's a big, nasty player that has a mean streak and Bills fans will love it. The Bills are trying to turn their defense into a 3-4 front. They picked the right player for the job because Dareus is a three-position player in a 3-4 front. Even Jon Gruden liked this pick because he thought Dareus was better than Auburn's Nick Fairley.

Round 2 (34)- Aaron Williams, CB

I was pretty upset with this pick, especially with Da'quan Bowers still sitting there. Imagine the Bills having Kyle Williams, Marcel Dareus and Bowers lining up each Sunday, scary. Anyway, all I've been seeing of Williams, though, is that he is a great corner. Mel Kiper Jr. is quoted with saying, "He wound up going 34. I thought he'd be a late one. I thought teams like Philadelphia would look at him and some of those teams late (in the first). To get him where they did that's a nice pick there." He is great defender and a big, physical corner. Apparently, he is great against the run too, so that's huge for the Bills.

Round 3 (68)- Kelvin Sheppard, LB

Great pick. The Bills needed depth at linebacker and he was one of the better linebackers coming out of college. I was surprised he was still in the third round. Chan Gailey has experience with him, having coached him during the Senior Bowl. Could this be the writing on the wall for Aaron Maybin?

Round 4 (100)- Da'Norris Searcy, DB

Very versatile player. He has linebacking experience but plays safety. Tough, physical player. Could this also be the writing on the wall for Donte Whitner? I don't really think so, I don't see Searcy really pushing for a spot. I hope the Bills resign Donte.

Round 4 (122)- Chris Hairston, OT

Standing at 6' 6" and weighing 326, this was a good pick for the Bills. Kiper also thinks this was a great-value pick for the Bills. According to Kiper, "He's got long arms, but has to get quicker." He will be reunited with former Clemson alum, CJ Spiller. Chan Gailey sees Hairston as being their RT, which you have to believe he'll be given a lot of chances at earning it.

Round 5 (133)- Johnny White, RB

This was a head scratcher for me. I don't know why they would pick a RB here. I figure he is gonna be more of a special-teams type of player. According to the Buffalo Bills website, Todd McShay believes "he can catch the ball as well as any back in this class and is the biggest sleeper in the class."

Round 6 (169)- Chris White, LB

Another player who played for the Bills coaching staff in the Senior Bowl. They really like him. White is a tough, hard-nosed player with terrific instincts. He is another player that adds quality depth and special teams ability.

Round 7 (206)- Justin Rogers, DB

One knock on him is that he is from a small school (Richmond) who hasn't really faced any quality talent. A lot of experts believe, though, that he is a great player who just needs some time. He is gonna add depth to an already talented secondary. It will be interesting to see what happens with him.

Round 7 (245)- Michael Jasper, DT

This guy is huge. He's 6' 4", 378 pounds. He is a raw talent from a small school. This guy could be a hidden gem if he turns out, so we'll see if it happens. Good solid pick for the Bills' last pick of the draft.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What am I going to do with my life?

Realistically, I have no idea what I'm going to do when I finally graduate college. I'm lucky enough to have a family that lives in different parts of the world and who actually want to see me. (weird, I know)

The plan is to go to Germany and visit my brother in late June (I think. According to my mom, we already got the tickets, so whatever), he gave me the advice to travel before I get bogged down by the world. It's true though. There really isn't a market out there for me; the newspaper industry is almost dead and to be able to write on the internet you have to have experience in the multi-media world...

I've been on the radio a few times, does that count?

So my overall plan is to visit My brother in Germany. It should be amazing. He said I could probably get a job in the military writing for the paper or working with the radio stations on base (All my brothers either were or are still in the military). While that would be a good job, I don't think I would want it. I would rather do it on my own. It's just one of those things. When I get back to America (hopefully right before July 4th), I'm going to visit my other brother, who is stationed in North Carolina. What's also sick about that is the fact that my sister lives down there as well. So I would finally be able to actually hang out with my siblings, for really, the first time ever. Aside from my sister, I can finally get to know my brothers. My third brother lives in Michigan, but he is going to visit me during my graduation.

So while I'm traveling around, I might as well bring my resume

Why the hell not?

What else do I have to lose?

It's not like I have a job anyway...

But I'm terrified of the real world. If it's anything like I've seen in the countless episodes of Law and Order: SVU that I've watched, I sure as hell just wanna stay in my mom's basement and eat Pizza Rolls.

Oh well, I'm sure Detective Stabler will protect me. Actually, I'd rather have Detective Benson do it...
Ohhhh Olivia.....

Hmmm.....maybe I'll visit my friend who lives in Nashville, too....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Round of the NBA Playoffs, Stevie Johnson and more

The NBA playoffs are right around the corner and it's going to be an awesome time. The following are my picks for the first round

The East-

#1 Chicago Bulls vs. #8 Indiana Pacers

Derek Rose is going to show why he is the sure-fire MVP and sweep the Pacers, 4-0.

#2 Miami Heat vs. #7 Philadelphia 76ers

The Heat swept the 76ers in the regular season and I see no reason for them to not do it in the playoffs. 4-0
#3 Boston Celtics vs. #6 New York Knicks

The Celtics swept the Knicks in the regular season, but they have fallen apart here at the end of the season. The trade that sent Kendrick Perkins to the Thunder has really hurt them. They did, however, beat the Knicks in the very last game of the season. So that being said, they'll still beat the Knicks. 4-1

#4 Orlando Magic vs. #5 Atlanta Hawks

The Hawks won the season series 3-1 but, this is the playoffs. Dwight Howard isn't just going to let D. Rose run away with the MVP title that easily and I think Jason Richardson and Gilbert Arenas are too much for Joe Johnson and co. to handle. The Magic are going to win this series. 4-2

The West-
#1 San Antonio Spurs vs. #8 Memphis Grizzlies

This match up is interesting because the Grizzlies have actually played the Spurs tough this season by splitting the season series, 2-2. What is interesting is if Ginobli is okay to play because of his hyper-extended elbow. But, I'm sure everything is fine and the Spurs won't disappoint. Spurs win, 4-1.

#2 Los Angeles Lakers vs. #7 New Orleans Hornets

The Lakers as of late haven't been playing up to their championship standards. Andrew Bynum will play this weekend so it should help. The Lakers are going to win this series because they just have more talent than the Hornets. 4-1.

#3 Dallas Mavericks vs. #6 Portland Trailblazers

It seems like every year the Mavs have a championship-caliber team, but they never live up to the billing. Even though I love Jason Kidd, him and the rest of Dallas are on their last legs because most of the team is 30+. I feel like the Mavs are overrated. The Blazers, on the other hand, are a tough team and can give any one fits, plus, Gerald Wallace is a beast. I think this is going to be an upset. 4-2.

#4 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. #5 Denver Nuggets

This is probably the toughest series to pick. The Thunder are the dark-horse pick to come out to the West, but the Nuggets have been playing great basketball since the 'Melo trade. Denver has been spreading the offense out and playing great defense. This is the series that will probably go to game 7. The Thunder are going to win this series, purely because of Kevin Durant's scoring ability and Kendrick Perkin's presence. 4-3

My boy Stevie Johnson was in March 21st fashion issue of ESPN The Magazine, showing off his threads. Johnson was joined by the likes of the Heat's Chris Bosh, Texas Rangers' C.J Wilson among others. I like how the Buffalo Bills finally have someone that is getting some face-time in the media. According to one of Johnson's tweets, he wants to stay a Bill for life. Hopefully the Bills finally do something intelligent and keep the guy. He's going to be a huge star. Here's the picture of Stevie in the article...

So I was watching Raw on Monday night, and I watched Edge announce his retirement. Crazy. He started
wrestling right when I started watching wrestling. He said he had to retire because of his injuries and his body can't take it anymore. It's understandable; he was in some of the most dangerous matches in wrestling history (i.e. TLC matches). Just to see someone retire that I watched growing up though, is showing how times are changing. #Gettingold.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What the hell happened at Wrestlemania?

Did I really watch that?

Yeah, I did.

Now what the hell was that?

I learned a few things from watching it though:

Alberto Del Rio can't wrestle. At all.

Santino Marella is probably the funniest person in the WWE.

They don't push Kofi Kingston or John Morrison enough.

Randy Orton and CM Punk can actually put up good matches and should continue their rivalry.

Stone Cold Steve Austin is still badass

Undertaker and Triple H continue to show why they are two of the greatest wrestlers of all-time. Even with an anti-climatic ending.

Trish Stratus is still hot and can still wrestle and I didn't know Snooki could move like that, outside of a bed.

The Rock is still the man.

Even with god on his side, people hate John Cena. But not as much as they hate The Miz.

The thing that really confuses me is the fact that wrestling continues to shove these huge, muscle-headed wrestlers that only know 4 moves in our faces, but, they don't push someone like John Morrison, who can actually move.

The United States title and Intercontinental titles aren't what they used to be. When the US title was in WCW, it was a stepping stone, much like the IC title. Now-a-days, they are just throwing it every where. If they want it to actually mean something again, they could actually have a REAL up-and-coming wrestler fight for it. Raw is actually doing something good with Sheamus holding the belt, but, they need to have Morrison go after it. Smackdown is okay with the guy from The Core or whatever holding the belt. Kingston can still go after it, but they could have a third party go after it as well. Maybe like a triple threat match.

John Cena needs to take a break. He's been in the spot light too long and people are getting stale of his routine. Hulk Hogan had this problem, The Rock had this problem, and the Undertaker had this problem. What happened? They turned heel and had fresh story lines and different people were pushed because of it. Now I'm not saying turn Cena into a heel, I'm just saying have him take a step back and look at what his character is. Really? The Rock said it best when he said "We went from Austin 3:16 to If You Smell What The Rock is Cooking to You Can't See Me." I understand Cena makes a shit-ton of money for the business because little kids buy every fruity-pebble shirt out there, but, come on. Atleast have him do a few different moves. His matches go the same way, he is winning in the beginning, starts getting his ass beat, then he comes out of no where with his finisher.

Randy Orton and CM Punk work well together. I feel like if they continued their storyline, it could work out really well. They could add another twist to it somehow.

I didn't like how the Triple H and Undertaker match ended. I was actually on the edge of my seat for the entire thing, until the end. How does The Undertaker win by submission? It was amazing when Triple H did the Tombstone pile driver and everyone thought that's how it would end. The Undertaker's streak would end by his own move. Nope. He kicked out. Then for The Undertaker to come back, amazing. But to end it with a submission move? It should of ended with Taker doing the Pedigree, just sayin.

The Rock came back and beat the hell out of John Cena and The Miz, saving the match in the process. It was a terrible match. Just awful. Cena used his four-move limit and The Miz was just taking it. If The Rock were to come back, I feel like it would be a good twist if he was the Raw GM.

One last problem, they talk too much. I get it. You need promos to build story lines, but it's ridiculous. There is only like 4 matches each episodes. There has to be atleast 6 or 7.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The NFL Draft; What's gonna happen in the Top 10?

I know, I know, the first round of the NFL draft isn't until April 28th but why not make my very first blog about something I know best; the NFL.

This year has been tough though, with regards of picking who's going to go where. This years draft has an interesting mix of talent at different positions. In prior years, you already knew who was going to be the first pick of the whole draft. You knew the Rams needed a franchise QB last year, so Bradford it was. The year before, the Lions needed one as well, so Stafford was taken. This year, not so much.

#1- Carolina Panthers

The Carolina Panthers hold the first pick of the draft but they already have a potential franchise QB on their roster with Jimmy Clausen. The problem is, their is a new coach in town and may want to start fresh. Head coach Ron Rivera has a tough decision to make. He could stick with Clausen, whom played less than stellar last season, or he could draft a fresh, new face to lead the team. But which QB would he draft? There are only two first-round worthy QBs in this draft; Missouri's Blaine Gabbert and Auburn's Cam Newton. Neither one of them, in my opinion, are elite. Newton has accuracy and deep-ball issues and Gabbert just focuses on one receiver the whole time and wasn't in an NFL-ready offense in college.

Coach Rivera is also a big defensive guy. This draft is a big defensive-loaded draft, with elite talent everywhere. Defensive tackles, Marcell Dareus from Alabama and Nick Fairley from Auburn are probably the best lineman in the draft. Teams, more-often than not, start building at the trenches. The teams sack leader last year, Charles Johnson, could use some help on the line, So I could see the Panthers taking one of them.

Some believe LSU cornerback Patrick Peterson is the most NFL-ready player in the draft and can make an immediate impact. I could see them going this route as well because they need an impact player right away.

So with the first pick in the 2011 NFL draft, the Carolina Panthers take:

QB Cam Newton from Auburn
I know I said earlier that they had Clausen, but he was terrible. Rivera needs a new fresh face to lead the team. Even though Newton has his troubles, he could still help a team sell tickets at leaProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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and bring excitement to a team. He's the most popular player in the draft and he's going to go to the most un-popular team in the league.

#2- Denver Broncos

Woof!, what a cluster this team was last year. The team had no identity (other than Tim Tebow sitting on the bench for most of the season) and literally had no defense last year. They were dead-last in points allowed with 29.4 and gave up 154.6 yards on the ground. So this makes this choice pretty simple...

Marcell Dareus, DT, Alabama
It's pretty simple. They don't need a QB right now, they have Kyle Orton and Tim Tebow. RB, they are set with Moreno. WR, I could see them picking AJ Green purely because their leading receiver, Brandon Lloyd, is older and they could infuse some talent into that core but, like I said before, you start building at the trenches.

#3 Buffalo Bills

Oh those Buffalo Bills. They haven't been to the playoffs since Doug Flutie graced the red, white, and blue of the Bills, and haven't had a franchise QB since Jim Kelly. Many "experts" believe that they need a franchise QB on their roster, even though they have Ryan Fitzpatrick, who didn't play that bad last year. I could see them going that route, but with Newton gone, it's going to be tough to fill in the shoes of Jim Kelly with a guy named Blaine. On the defensive side of the ball, the Bills got ran over. They allowed 169.6 yards on the ground and only had 27 sacks. They need elite talent and can't miss with the third overall pick. They need someone who can help right now, not 3 years down the road.

With the third pick in the draft, the Buffalo Bills take...

Von Miller, LB, Texas AM
Elite LB can help the Bills sorry run defense and pass rush. Coach Chan Gailey already knows a bit about Miller; he coached him in the Senior Bowl. He can help out Paul Posluszny and try to make that linebacking core elite. The man is a beast and brings a blue-collar type work ethic that the Bills fan will love.

#4 Cincinnati Bengals

The Bengals are in a tough situation right now because Carson Palmer wants out, OchoCinco and TO are old, and Cedric Benson didn't have that great of a season. So, what in the world are they going to do? I don't think the Bengals are going to trade Palmer; they want him there for the rest of his career. TO and OchoCinco are headaches and they could live without them. Benson just had a down year, he'll be good next year. I think they will try to keep Palmer happy and get him a play maker who won't complain if he doesn't get the ball all the time...

AJ Green, WR, Georgia
Green has Larry Fitzgerald-type of talent and you just can't pass this up. If they can keep Palmer, this is going to be a good offense. They will have explosiveness, something they didn't have last year.

#5 Arizona Cardinals

They need a QB, period.

Blaine Gabbert, QB, Missouri
Some people have him as the best QB in the draft, but he slips down to #5 and Larry Fitzgerald is happy to have him.

#6 Cleveland Browns

Quarterback Colt McCoy did a great job as a rookie stepping into a tough situation. The Browns need play makers and help for McCoy. GM Mike Holmgren is going to do everything to turn this team into something good. The defense though is something of desire. They don't really have a great pass rusher and could use some help at stopping the run. I know, it's like every teams' problem.

Julio Jones, WR, Alabama
This might be a little high for Jones, but Holmgren won't care. McCoy is someone to build a team around and he needs someone to throw to. Especially after seeing his combine, I know this kid is going to be a beast.

#7 San Fransisco 49ers

The offense for San Fran is talented. It isn't a pressing need to add someone on that side of the ball. The defense needs help though. One glaring need is the cornerback position.

Patrick Peterson, CB, LSU
The most NFL-ready player goes to the 49ers. With Nate Clements slowing down, they are going to need someone to replace him. Peterson is an elite talent that can step into any situation and play well.

#8 Tennessee Titans

I know the Titans need a QB, but there isn't another one that is worthy a top-10 selection after Gabbert and Newton. After Haynesworth left, the Titans lacked a big, tough, run-stopping DT that can plug up the lanes.

Nick Fairley, DT, Auburn
Cam Newton's teammate becomes a Titan. He brings a personality that might turn some people off about him. But, Fairley's old DL coach at Auburn, Tracy Rocker, is now the DL coach in Tennessee. If Rocker can keep Fairley in line, Fairley would be a huge asset to the team.

#9 Dallas Cowboys

Last year, they were a pre-season Superbowl pick. Injuries and a defense that couldn't stop anyone hurt them. Tony Romo getting hurt was obviously the biggest injury. Their offense is good with Jason Garrett being their head coach. They need defensive help, especially in the secondary and with a division with a lot of depth at WR, they need help fast.

Prince Amukamara, CB, Nebraska
Cowboys need help in their secondary, so they will go with the 2nd best CB in the draft. They need someone with ball-hawking abilities and someone who can actually stop someone from scoring.

#10 Washington Redskins

I have no idea what to think of this team. They were terrible on offense and defense. For some reason, Mike Shanahan thinks he's a wizard and can fix any team. No, he's overrated. The only reason why he won those Superbowls in Denver was because of John Elway and Terrell Davis. They screwed McNabb last season and treated him terribly. So, I'm going to try to give Washington the benefit of the doubt and say they will actually have a good pick.

Da'Quan Bowers, DE, Clemson
His knee injuries hurt his draft stock, but he is still the best DE in the draft. He's a play maker and can help the Redskins. I know you expected offense here, but I think they'll wait till the second round to address it.