Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Rhine RIver

So today I visited the Rhine River with my family. Which was pretty cool. The Rhine, the longest river in Germany, has a lot of history to it.

We were on the eastern bank of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Germany, where the Loreley used to sit.

This is how the story goes...

Loreley used to be some chick who sat on a rock, wave her hair and sing. Her singing would distract seamen (haha see what I did there?) and thus crashing their boats into the riverbed. Apparently she was really hot and a wicked good singer. There are many different versions of the story, but this is the most popular one.

Anyway, it was pretty cool seeing something like that. All we really have where I'm from is Chittenango Creek and the Canal. Which, don't get me wrong, both of them rock. But, this was crazy. There were castles and just old-school looking houses along the River.

After gawking at the river, we went to dinner. We ended up at some little restaurant. Naturally, my uncle got some wine and we all drank it. The restaurant makes their own wine so that was pretty cool. When it was time to order, I told my mom I wanted a steak. I wanted to compare Germany's steak to the good ole' US of A's steak.

When it came down to it, I would give the win to America. But that's because I'm a little biased. I will say, though, that the french fries here are a hell of a lot better than in America. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the fact that they bath the fries in salt. Now, I know what you're saying, "BK and McDonalds does that." Not like here. These fries are seriously the greatest thing since the wienerschnitzel. I might not even bring alcohol from Germany back to the states. I'm just gonna bring the Deutsche fries.

I've noticed that Germans love salt and raw meat. I have no idea why. It's just how it is. (Author's gross note: Next week, when we all get together again, some of the family is gonna eat just raw hamburger meat. Mmmm get it in ya)

Loreley waving her luscious locks...

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